Lowering Blood Pressure Quickly

    blood pressure

  • the pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels; results from the systole of the left ventricle of the heart; sometimes measured for a quick evaluation of a person’s health; “adult blood pressure is considered normal at 120/80 where the first number is the systolic
  • The hydrostatic force that blood exerts against the wall of a vessel.
  • The pressure of the blood in the circulatory system, often measured for diagnosis since it is closely related to the force and rate of the heartbeat and the diameter and elasticity of the arterial walls
  • The following is an episode list for the MTV animated television series Beavis and Butt-head. The series has its roots in 1992 when Mike Judge created two animated shorts – “Frog Baseball” and “Peace, Love & Understanding” – which were later aired on Liquid Television.


  • (loweringly) in a menacing or scowling way; “he looked up loweringly”
  • heavy: darkened by clouds; “a heavy sky”
  • Reduce the height, pitch, or elevation of
  • Make or become less in amount, extent, or value
  • Move (someone or something) in a downward direction
  • the act of causing to become less


  • With little or no delay; promptly
  • At a fast speed; rapidly
  • cursorily: without taking pains; “he looked cursorily through the magazine”
  • with rapid movements; “he works quickly”
  • promptly: with little or no delay; “the rescue squad arrived promptly”; “come here, quick!”

lowering blood pressure quickly

lowering blood pressure quickly – Resperate

Introducing RESPeRATE, the interactive breathing device used by tens of thousands of men and women nationwide to lower blood pressure. Used for just 15 minutes, a few times a week, RESPeRATE has been clinically proven to lower blood pressure. RESPeRATE is a portable, computerized electronic device that guides you through sessions of interactive, therapeutic breathing powerful enough to lower blood pressure. Using a breathing sensor, RESPeRATE automatically analyzes your individual breathing pattern and creates a personalized melody composed of two distinct inhale and exhale guiding tones. Simply listen to the melody through the headphones and synchronize your breathing to the tones. By prolonging the exhalation tone, RESPeRATE guides you to slow your breathing and reach the “therapeutic zone” of less than 10 breaths per minute. The physiological result? The muscles surrounding the small blood vessels in your body dilate and relax. Blood is allowed to flow more freely, and pressure is significantly lowered.

Fidel's cunning evil plan….. read the first instalment below..

Fidel's cunning evil plan..... read the first instalment below..
The first and most probably the last, (due to devastating critic), instalment of Indica Mc’lemon…. and his incontinent side kick Tio Tonto in………..“Fidels cunning evil plan”.

We had arrived, the dig lay before us, behind a nightmare journey of Indica’s incompetent navigation and driving. Digging out the four by four had become an hourly exercise, exercise not for him, but me. His standard excuse to get out of helping was his need for surveying the land scape ahead. This was a synonymous with walking 50 meters or so, rolling a big fat one and smoking the whole thing himself.
“Greedy bastard”.
It had a snow ball effect, the more he smoked the more we got stuck, the more he smoked.
Hitting the palm tree was the last straw. I found his stash and smoked the whole lot in one go, that was three days ago. Me, Lucy and cloudscapes, John Lennon could never have imagined them.

Why the British secret service would employ Indi beats me, but what the fuck. I’m just his side kick destined to live in his herb dimmed shadow.

Dust hung over the crater, the hundred lackeys toiling beneath the heat were three weeks behind schedule.
Indica got out,….
…………. his anger ignited, cruelly laying into the foreman with his lead tipped cat of 9 tails. “what fucking fuck am I paying you for you lazy cunt of a three fucking teat goat” he bellowed, in between the whoosh of more lashes. You couldn’t dig your way out of Woodstock….”cunt cunt cunt” he cried, till his anger ebbed. May be I shouldn’t have smoked all of the stash.

We wound our way down the makeshift planking descending into the dig. Indica lashed out with his whip here and there. He had a thing about his wrist action and was very proud of his skill. Being able to rescue a diminishing joint from the lips of a Bogart at 10 meters. He confided with me that this was the bare minimum for his skill level. Finally we reached the bottom. The ruins were now visible. We surveyed them.

“There not dissimilar to Corralejo” I quipped. Indiana raised his whip and thought twice about it. I was still in control of his ecstasy stash and he had no idea where I was hiding it.
Some thing caught his eye and he made off in the direction of some descending stairs mumbling something about things weren’t as they …..

I took the opportunity to scurry off in the opposite direction my bowels straining and letting fly a rapturous fart of such toxicity that had in the past rendered me the focus of a C.I.A scandal. In fact a clear case of incompetence on there part. That was back in the days of the search for Saddam’s arms of mass destruction.

Rounding a corner I found a wall decorated in ornate carvings of a scale that impressed me, it seemed to be a frieze from the cult of the extended scrotum sect spirals surrounded the same. Rare for this region. Well that’s not such a leap away from my distended bowls, this should be a good spot. I lowered my pants relishing the forth coming relief that would soon be with me. For yet another time the image of the "Thames barrier" came to mind. Those firmly clenched doors buckling, screaming and straining under the relentless pressure of a storm swept spring tide.
They would hold forth that bombardment until the gentle trickling sound of the sluice gates being opened, would become a gush and then an uncontrollable torrent. I leaned back against a grossly hideous extended scrotum carving, my weight taken from my crouching stance only to hear a grinding sound followed by a sensation not unlike falling. Yes I said falling. Fuck I’m falling, blackness enveloped me as the day light accelerated away from me.
Thud, yep “thud”, that fucking word again.

Twenty years ago, I had, as a student been part of an experiment, a volunteer. The experiment focused on the competence of psychologist institutions. The psychologist leading the experiment believed his profession was out of control. Locking up schizophrenics for years and drugging them out of there minds, with little evidence to show there was anything much wrong with them.
I was paid $5o to go to a clinic and say, “I was worried since I had heard the word ..”thud”…once in my mind.”
I was quickly accosted by burly giants in white coats who threw me in a cell were I was administered hallucinatory drugs for 8 years as a schizophrenic.

The professor assured me that after 4 days they would disclose the experiment to the clinics involved, but in-advisably offered himself as one of the participants. He is still in the institution15 years on.
He’s not there as a result of the word…”thud”…..but for the conception of such a fucking unbelievably stupid experiment. Fucking idiot.
I seemed to have escaped the experience with little side effect apart from the green giant lizards that I see now and then, annoyingly, mainly when I am being televised promoting my conspiracy theories.

“Thud”, slowly I open my eyes. The dim light revels the source of hissing that is growing l

It's all about Lapis/Lazuli

It's all about Lapis/Lazuli
A stone of protection that may be worn to guard against psychic attacks, Lapis Lazuli quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace. It brings harmony and deep inner self-knowledge. Encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion and morality to the personality. Stimulates objectivity, clarity and encourages creativity. Lapis Lazuli assists to confront and speak one’s truth and inspires confidence. It bonds relationships, aiding in expression of feelings and emotions.

Lapis Lazuli boosts the immune system, purifies blood, lowers blood pressure, cooling and soothing areas of inflammation. It alleviates insomnia and vertigo, and overcomes depression. Lapis Lazuli benefits the respiratory and nervous systems and the throat, vocal chords, and thyroid, cleanses organs, bone marrow and thymus.